Description of activities

Finham Park Multi Academy Trust

All 8 of the Finham Park MAT (Multi Academy Trust) schools took part in the Gift a Poem day. Our schools are in Coventry and Warwickshire in England. Students and Staff wrote or found poems and shared them via real and made trees. Our Central MAT staff also took part. This year was our first year of being involved, inspired by taking part when some of our Finham Park 2 students and staff were in Japan for the UNESCO Aspnet school conference in September 2023.

St Cedd’s School

Year 5 children were invited to browse our library’s poetry books and select poems they enjoyed. These were then photocopied and each child chose family members or friends and presented them with a dedication. We had dedications to grandparents, parents, siblings, friends, teaching staff…even to one child’s beloved dog!

Schools involved

  • Finham Park Multi Academy Trust
  • St Cedd’s School