Description of activities

In Germany, an event notice was published on 14th March 2024 on the website of the German Commission for UNESCO. The central event for World Poetry Day took place at the Haus für Poesie (House of Poetry) in Berlin. Starting at 7:30 pm, five poets read their works in five different languages. The German translations were projected. The reading was a joint event of the Haus für Poesie (House of Poetry), the Akademie Schloss Solitude, the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Artists-in-Berlin Program, the Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf and the International House of Artists Villa Concordia Bamberg under the patronage of the German UNESCO Commission. Regarding the campaign of the National Coordination of ASPnet in Germany, this happened mostly on the network’s internal communication plattform, initiated by the schools themselves. The regional network of the East Westphalia-Lippe in Germany for instance took it upon themselves to work together with other schools in the network and launch a cross-school project. Here, “gift” poems, aligning with the theme of this year’s UNESCO Project Day in Germany: Peace! #Reach out #Build bridges were exchanged by students within the network in the spirit of spreading joy.