Description of activities

The campaign “Uzdāvini dzejoli” (Gift a poem) in 2024 saw enthusiastic participation from several Latvian schools, fostering a vibrant celebration of poetry across educational institutions. Students of all ages delved into the rich repositories of their school libraries, scouring shelves for the most poignant verses to adorn the campaign’s stationary and bestow upon their classmates, friends, and teachers. The creativity of the students knew no bounds as they adorned the stationary with an array of tools and techniques, infusing each piece with their unique artistic flair. Beyond the school walls, the spirit of the campaign resonated throughout Latvia, extending its reach to encompass individuals, local libraries, and even cafes, all joining in the exploration of the vast and captivating realm of poetry. From the halls of schools to the heart of communities, the campaign transcended boundaries, fostering connections and cultural exchanges. As poems were exchanged in different languages and shared across diverse platforms, the campaign underscored the universal allure of poetry as a conduit for expression and connection.

Schools involved

  • Rīgas Ziepniekkalna vidusskola
  • Pļaviņu vidusskola
  • Daugavpils Valsts ģimnāzija
  • Riebiņu vidusskola Skujenes pamatskola
  • Inčukalna pamatskola
  • Rīgas Zolitūdes ģimnāzija