Description of activities

In 2024, two ASPnet schools from Lithuania participated in this initiative. They believe that this activity really promotes empathy, understanding, sense of community as students collect and illustrate poems thinking about people in their area experiencing social exclusion. Pupils hand-picked the poems from books and copied them by hand, some even wrote their own poems, and then illustrated them. Vytautas Magnus University Classic Education School took part in this initiative for the second time. Some of their pupils visited the centre for people with disabilities „Korys“ and gifted their poems to them; others gave them to the seniors living in the St Mary‘s elderly care senior home of Rosalimas. They hope that it warmed the hearts of seniors and made them feel a little happier. Pupils from Lentvaris Motiejus Šimelionis Gymnasium Pupils gifted their decorated poems to the lonely seniors of Lentvaris, as well as to children attending Caritas children day centre “Akimirka”.

Schools involved

  • Vytautas Magnus University Classic Education School
  • Lentvaris Motiejus Šimelionis Gymnasium of Trakai Region