Description of activities

The schools have taken a diverse approach and have worked from kindergarten to secondary school: we learn a poem, we build a poem tree, we bring poems to our elders, we give poems as a gift among the students. Pupils from 1st to 6th Primary have taken part in the Gift a Poem initiative. To do so, each year group wrote poems with the following guidelines: – 1stEP and 2ndEP. Poems by Gloria Fuertes and poems of their own creation. – 3rd and 4th grades. Poems by Antonio Machado and of their own creation. – 5TH GRADE. Poems of own creation. – 6TH GRADE. Poems by Zbigniew Herbert – They have written them on a piece of paper in the shape of a tree.

Schools involved

  • Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen Indautxu (Bilbao)
  • Colegio Sagrada Familia (Zaragoza)
  • Colegio San Gregorio (Aguilar de Campoo)
  • CPR Eduardo Pondal (Cangas)
  • IES Andreu Sempere (Alcoi)


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